Workers Compensation
Workers Compensation claims history reports contain abbreviated information taken from two types of government documents: Report of Injury and Court Contested Claims. Some states also have privately reported information available. The amount of information varies from state to state. Reports typically have: date of injury, time lost, employer during the time of incident, type of injury, body part and job related disability. Depending on the state reporting, information may vary.
Workers Compensation information is considered to be health and disability related under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In order to be in compliance with this federal act, an employer must NOT ask any questions about an applicant for employment that is connected with health and disability unless, and until, the employer has made a tentative job offer to the employee applicant or has made an actual job offer which is NOT tentative.
• Reveal the safety history of your applicant to determine if they represent a danger to others
• Determine if an applicant has falsified their medical history
• Location of employers which were left off the job application due to Workers Compensation claims |