Employment Verification
Turnaround Time Same day - 72hrs
A wise employer does not always believe everything in an applicant’s resume without some background check. This is why applicants are asked for references with e-mail addresses and phone numbers to be followed up upon. A background check on an applicant’s employment history records can protect the company as well as fellow employee’s and management.
Employment verifications and background checks are investigated for a variety of reasons. Potential employers and others with interest search a person’s employment status, current location of employment and history of employment. It is important for employers and headhunters to see if a person in question is currently employed, has a questionable work history or submitted an accurate and truthful resume. Poor hiring or headhunting often costs a company lost productivity, potential lawsuits and grievances, diminished employee moral and the blow to corporate reputation. One of the top reasons for unsuccessful hiring is the decision maker having false information or not enough accurate information.
What’s more, our reference checks provide you relief. Relief from making numerous phone calls. Relief from confirming every applicant claim. Relief from tracking down hard-to-access details. |